October 26, 2008

Birthday fun

So as many of you know it was my birthday on Thursday, yay for finally being 21!!!! That night and this weekend have been amazing and are continually getting better. Thank you to everyone who gave me happy birthday wishes, I am very appreciative. I missed you guys on my night, but not going to lie celebrating it in such a beautiful place with such amazing people and in such a unique country was fantastic.

Oh, and last night randomly we all got invited to a Tahitian wedding! It was sooooo fun, free food, free drinks, and dancing the night away...my kind of night!

Here are a couple pictures from my birthday, thanks again everyone!


My partners in crime, Sarah and Hayley

The crew at the Sheraton

Sarah and myself.

Heather and Hayley being adorable.

Well into the night, playing kings cup because we are just that classy.

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