November 18, 2008

quick update, more coming soon.

Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have been super busy and getting everything together for leaving Mo'orea, which is in less than four hours, and also figuring Australia out.

I will write a big ol' blog when I get to Australia, or tonight in the airport if there is an internet connection.

So much has happened in the past few days it has been crazy.

Here are the highlights, with more details coming soon:

-Went to Tahiti on an amazing trip...good last hurrah as a class
-Got accosted by a Gendarm.
-Moved out of the Gump Station and said Good-bye to everyone
-Moved into Chez Nelson for our last few nights
-Sarah Left
-Took Yoko to the Hospital for food poisoning...scary as hell and none of us knew french
-Caitie Left

and then there were two...

Also, November 19, 2008 will exist for me for only two hours, while I get to relive the hours of 10 am-3:30 pm on November 26...weird time warpingness.

more to come I promise.


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