October 22, 2008


So last night all the grad students at the station came and talked to us about what they did after graduating and before they went to grad school. It is sooooo comforting to hear how none of them really had a plan! Being here has made me incredibly motivated to just do and experience everything. It's like the cords have been cut and eyes opened, very surreal feeling. Being here and in this amazing environment just makes me want to do more and travel more and gain more of a worldly perspective. The current idea consists of going to Argentina in August for a three month intensive language class and just not coming back. I want to travel South America and work everywhere I can. Armed with my hopefully much improved Spanish speaking skills I just want to network and work field jobs no matter what they are. Just see and live everywhere I can. Throw my sentimental things into a storage shed, or my mom's house if she hasn't moved yet and sell the rest and move, go, never look back, just have what is in my bags and nothing more. Trade tit for tat when necessary, but just keep rollin' with the tides.

It is shaping up to be an exciting couple of years, I cannot wait.

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